Mini Kumato®



Our original flavour
in a mini version

With Mini Kumato® being original goes with everything! You can enjoy your favourite flavour at any time and in any place—it's convenient, simple and fun.

Its size and features make Mini Kumato® the healthiest, most delicious snack, perfect for the whole family.

You can also include them in your favourite dishes: Mini Kumato® always adds a note of quality, making them even more special.



You will recognise it

by its small size, oval shape and reddish-brown colour.

You will find it

in 500 g packs. Always look for our distinctive packaging and brand design to make sure it is Mini Kumato®.

Our tips for maximum enjoyment:

Our tips for maximum enjoyment:


Au naturel, as a snack between meals


In your salads and on gourmet skewers


As a complement or garnish for all of your recipes

Happiness is found in the little moments





This mini version bursting with our original flavour will be sure to inspire creative and tasty ideas for your dishes.

Looking for inspiration? Try this Mini Kumato® and watermelon carpaccio with orange juice vinaigrette.